Wednesday 13 April 2016

Woman Crush Wednesday

Ah, Woman Crush Wednesday. I have two major girl crushes, and I thought that it would be appropriate to address this on the blog, and I'm sure that many of you will agree with me on today's WCW.

Cara Delevingne. Need I say more? 

Cara has been my #1 girl crush for many years now, and on numerous occasions that I've been told I look similar to her, I've genuinely squealed with excitement. There's something about her stubborn, yet fun personality, bold brows and sharp jawline. If I could be re-incarnated into anything in this world, I would want to be this woman.

Not only can she act AND has the face of an angel (literally, have you seen those struts down the Victoria's Secret runway?!), but she can also play the drums and sing. And beat box. Is there anything this girl can't do?! Probably not.

Aged only 23, Cara is a huge inspiration to girls such as myself. Fame has not gone to her head. She is grounded, and shows appreciation for all family, friends and fans. I adore her crazy ways, and believe that she is definitely a role model all women across the world should look up to.

Perhaps one day I'll get to meet this bold browed beauty, but for now I'll admire from afar just as thousands others do. Sigh.

Who's your Woman Crush Wednesday?


1 comment:

  1. Your blog is lovely! Haha I know the feels, my partner and his mates are always talking about her, she's such a great representative for girls with thick brows! Hmm mine would probably be Krysten Ritter, I think she's gorgeous as Jessica Jones, Amy Adams or Elizabeth Olsen :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara | (doing follow for follow on bloglovin or instagram)
